Tijin Job & Merin
Support IEM Indian workers in Africa (Ghana)
Ghana (Africa)
Project is not Tax deductible
Tijin Job & Merin joined IEM as fresh missionaries with a call to Africa. IEM tested them for a year by sending them to IEM mission field and then giving them cross cultural missionary training. Then they were sent Thailand for orientation and training by SIM. The Lord enabled us to send them off to Tamu, Ghana in Africa to work amongst Sisaalla Muslim community in September 2018. They are in their language learning phase 1. They are on home assignment for the confinement of their first child in India. God has blessed them with a baby girl! They will go back as soon as the situation to normalize. The monthly support needed is $2000
One of the objectives of Indian Evangelical Mission (IEM) is to challenge Indian Christians to realize their responsibility for world evangelization and to recognize their partnership with other Christians in the world in fulfilling the Great Commission by raising the needed financial and prayer support among the Christians for the MISSION.
IEM is committed to honor the people who are committed to serve in other countries. In sending the missionaries to overseas IEM cannot send directly to other countries. So IEM sends in partnership with other overseas missionary movements like OMF, SIM, Inter Serve, etc. There is a challenge in sending the finance from India owing to the nature of the registration IEM. So the funds are raised from other countries from the friends of IEM and the partners to send for their living expenses to the sending Mission.